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Bachelor of Arts English and American Studies

On this page, you will find important information about exams, admission requirements and course selection. If you have any further questions, you can contact the Student Office.



The exams take place in the summer and winter semesters in the first two lecture-free weeks. In addition, retake dates for the examinations in the basic modules are offered in the summer semester.

Before you begin your studies you are required to take and pass the OOPT. The OOPT tests your knowledge of the English language with reading and listening comprehension tasks. 

This test is mandatory for all students. 

Next dates: 25.09, 27.09, 04.10, 13.10.2023

Registration period: TBA




Confirmations of achievement according to form 5 BAföG must usually be submitted to the BAföG office after the completion of the fourth semester.

If you need such a confirmation of achievement, you can come to the student office of the Institute of English and American Studies (Building 23.21, Room 02.77) during opening hours. You will need to bring your certificate of study and a printout of your personal transcript of records from the student portal.

Please bring the completed form 5 with you. You can use the following checklist to check in advance whether you have completed all the examinations required for a positive transcript of records (positive Leistungsbescheinigung):

Core subject: 6 passed final examinations
Supplementary subject: 4 passed final examinations

Of course, we will also advise you in detail on all questions regarding the certificate of achievement according to BAföG, especially in the event that examinations are still missing from your checklist.

BAföG abroad

If you would like to apply for BAföG abroad, please fill out the following application carefully on your PC, save it and bring it to the Student Office on a memo stick so that we can work on it with you. Alternatively, you can send it to us in advance as an attachment to an e-mail (Subject: Auslands-BAföG).

Application form for international BAföG


During your studies you might want to spend a semester abroad. We will gladly help you with planning and organizing such a trip. 

You can find information on drawing up learning agreements here.

The International Office will be happy to inform you about many financial support options.

Our cooperations range from Aberystwyth (Wales) to UC Davis (California). You can find all our partnerships on ou International Mobility website.


During your stay at HHU you may come across questions related to your studies, schedule or exams. You can send any such question to us via E-Mail. You may send your question in both English and German.

We can help you with:
  • Questions regarding organisation of your studies
  • Course and exam sign-up
  • Contacting lecturers
  • Creating your schedule
  • ...

We can currently only offer virtual consultations!

More Information:

Incomings Anglistik/Amerikanistik - FAQ for students arrive at the HHU

HHU International Landing Page 


HHU International Office