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Wait Lists

The wait lists for all Language Skills courses will be opened here for students who have not received a place in courses during the intitial registration period or second round of registration (Restplatzvergabe). The wait list will be opened the day after the second round of registration (Restplatzvergabe) has closed (typically the first day of the semester).

Wait lists instructions

You should check that you fulfil the prerequisites for the Language Skills course you wish to register for. If you don't receive a place for the course, this could be the reason. 

Before you register, make sure you check that you have the prerequisites to take this course. You can take take the course if you:

  • Foundations Grammar - passed the OOPT
  • Foundations Writing  - passed the OOPT
  • Oral Skills Presentations (Minors and TKU) - passed the OOPT and are 2nd+ semester
  • Oral Skills Presentations for English Major (and Linguistics) students - passed the Foundations AP
  • Oral Skills Prounciation and Podcasting - passed the Foundations AP 
  • Writing Skills Essay Structure - passed the Foundations AP
  • Writing Skills Essay Language - passed the Foundations AP

If you are certain that you have fulfilled the above prerequisites, you have two options to apply for a place in the class:

  1. If you have applied for a place more than two weeks before the beginning of semester, and you did not receive a place, then you can apply for a place in the Restplatzvergabe that opens in the last week before semester begins. To apply for one of those remaining places, use LSF. 
  2. If in the first week the courses start (week 1, or week 2 for Foundations courses in the winter semester), you still don't have a space in your desired course, you can still put yourself on the a waiting list in case students drop out or don't show up in the first class. Please follow the link provided below and fill out the form with your full name, matriculation number and course group preference. You will need to know the group number of the course you wish to be in - the times and days for each group are available on LSF.

We will try our best to fulfil your request but cannot guarantee that every student will receive a spot as there is a very high demand for these courses. 

Please note: This form can only be used to register for the waiting list for one course and group. If you want to register for multiple groups of the same course type, and/or register for multiple course types, you must fill out this form separately for each registration. Priority is given according to a first-come-first-served basis. 

YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A SEPARATE EMAIL IF YOU ARE ACCEPTED INTO THE COURSE. You will find out if you have the place in the course if the course appears on the dashboard in ILIAS on Saturday of Week 1 (Week 2 for Foundations courses in winter semesters).