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Language skills courses

The language skills team teaches a range of courses that provide our students with the opportunity to expand their existing skills in English in an academic context. Six core courses are offered every semester:

  • Foundations Writing
  • Foundations Grammar
  • Oral Skills Pronunciation and Podcasting
  • Oral Skills Presentations
  • Writing Skills Essay Writing Structure
  • Writing Skills Essay Writing Language

For more information how these courses fit into the degree programs for your majors or minors, please see the exams section

Registration policies

As we serve a relatively large number of students and offer multiple sections of each course every semester, we have established some general policies to ensure that as many students as possible are able to enroll in the sections of the courses that best fit their schedule:

  1. The first step in the enrollment process takes place on the HIS-LSF system using the group priotity system. When registering, you will be asked to indicate your preference for the various time slots for a given course. Please note: IT IS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE TO INDICATE A PREFERENCE FOR ALL SLOTS THAT YOU ARE ABLE TO ATTEND.  If you only provide one preferred slot, there is a higher chance that you will not be allotted a seat by the automated system.
  2. If you do not receive a place in the first round of registration, there is a second round of registration (Restplatzvergabe), which opens two weeks before the semester on HIS-LSF
  3. If you have received a confirmed seat in a group, YOU MUST ATTEND THE FIRST DAY OF CLASS IN ORDER TO SECURE YOUR PLACE IN THE CLASS. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND THE FIRST CLASS MEETING IN THE SEMESTER, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CONTACT THE INSTRUCTOR IN ADVANCE TO ASK FOR YOUR PLACE TO BE HELD UNTIL THE NEXT WEEK.  All unclaimed spots may be distributed to students on the waiting lists at the end of the first week of the semester.
  4. If you do not receive a time slot through the automated system, you may sign up on the wait list for that section. If students fail to claim their spots in the first week, the available spots will be offered to students on the wait list. You will be notified if you have received a waitlist place at the end of the first week of the semseter. A link to the wait list can be found here (please note the wait lists are only available during the first week of the semester). 

Please note:  Once you have a place in our courses please don't forget the following: Make sure that you check your course timetable in LSF again in the week before classes are due to begin. If you have been removed from a course it may be due to the fact that you have not fulfilled the prerequisites for the course. If you believe you have been removed in error, please contact the English and American Studies Students' Office or use the wait list.