The exams take place in the summer and winter semesters during the first two lecture-free weeks. In addition, retake dates for the exams in the basic modules are offered in the summer semester.
The registration period for the central exams begins four weeks before the respective exam date and ends one week before this date.
Before starting classes in Language Skills, you must pass the Oxford Online Placement Test (OOPT). The OOPT tests your English language skills using text and listening comprehension questions. You can do the OOPT also in your second or even third study year.
Next date: tba
Registration period: tba
Detailed information on the language skills exams as well current exam dates can be found here.
Basic Module I is completed with a portfolio. If you have further questions about the portfolio or the old exam please contact the responsible person.
Responsible: Dr. Simon Thomson E-Mail
Introduction to English Language and Linguistics
Basic Module II - Linguistics is completed with a written exam.
Date: Febuary 2nd, 2025
Place: ZIM (building 25.41)
Time: tba
Please be in front of the building 30 minutes before the start time. Entry will be 15 minutes before the exam starts. You will be called by name and shown to the rooms.
Please bring with you: your ID card, your student card, your university-username and password, a pen, and a bottle of water if you like.
We wish you much success with your exam.
Registration for the exam is done via the student portal and is available about four weeks before the exam date. The registration deadline and resignation deadline ends one week before the exam date.
Due to organizational reasons, you will be informed about the exact time and place at least 6 days before the exam date via the student portal.
Information and Forms for resignation and actions in case of sickness:
Homepage for the Student- and exam administration.
Introduction to English Literature
Basic Module III - Literary Studies is completed with a written exam.
Date: Febuary 12th, 2025
Place: ZIM (building 25.41)
Time: tba
Please be in front of the building 30 minutes before the start time. Entry will be 15 minutes before the exam starts. You will be called by name and shown to the rooms.
Please bring with you: your ID card, your student card, your university-username and password, a pen, and a bottle of water if you like.
We wish you much success with your exam.
Registration for the exam is done via the student portal and is available about four weeks before the exam date. The registration deadline and resignation deadline ends one week before the exam date.
Due to organizational reasons, you will be informed about the exact time and place at least 6 days before the exam date via the student portal.
Information and Forms for resignation and actions in case of sickness:
Homepage for the Student- and exam administration.
The final exam for this module consists of two partial term papers.
You can find more information on the Methods of Academic Writing and Research Module here.