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Transcript of Records

Dear students,

currently you may only request you ToR via E-Mail. Please download the according form from this site, fill it out and send it back to us. Read the instructions below carefully, should you have any further questions regarding your ToR please do not hesitate to contact us. 

When you do send us your filled out ToR also send us a performance overview as well as your certifications of participation (BN). We will then view you documents and if necessary contact you again with corrections or questions. 

As we are currently recieving more e-mails than usual processing of your documents might take longer. Please consider this. 


Only students under the exam regulations 2011/13 and 2004 need to fill out their TOR as it is described here. Students under the current exam regulations (2018) have to create their ToR online. 


Please only use the forms found below. Transcript that do not use these templates can not be signed and are invalid. We can only process your transcript if it meets all the requirement you will find on this site.  

Please make sure that modules must be on one page and cannot stretch over two pages. The date and signature lines also cannot stand alone on a page.  If you have to insert page or line breaks make sure that the modules remain connected. 

Remember to list any current academic titles (this excludes B.A. and M.A. titles) with the name of a lecturer. You can find a list of all current lecturers  here. 

You have to list your name and matriculation number, the names of all lecturers and examiners, as well as the names of all classes. Do not change any other existing text on the template, unless you have contacted us about it!

You can ONLY send us XML-based files, this means that you will have to send us your TOR as a docx document. We cannot accept PDF or other types of documents. 

Please name your file accordingly: 

Major: lastname_firstname_tor_KF

Minor: lastname_firstname_tor_EF

Interdisciplinary compulsory section: lastname_firstname_tor_füw 

Please sort your certifications of participation according to module and send them to is as one file. We only require the certifications of the Methodenmodul and upwards. The certifications of the basic modules are not needed for a transcript of records. 

Should you require a preliminary transcript of records (e.g. to apply for a semester abroad, a job, change of universities) you may delete those parts of a module that you have not yet completed. In this case you must also adjust the number of credit points by putting the total number of credits in each module in brackets. At the top of the page you must also add "preliminary" in front of "transcript of records". 

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