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Bachelor of Arts: Exam Regulations 2018


The major subject English and American Studies contains 108 credit points, 58 weekly hours per semester and lasts for 6 semesters. The interdisciplinary compulsory electives contain 18 credit points.

During the first year, you will acquire fundamental knowledge in the field of literary studies, linguistics and medieval studies by attending the three basic modules. Additionally, another module (Foundations) will help you  improve your practical use of the English language. The basic phase is completed with four exams, one for each module.

The Intermediate Phase builds on your basic knowledge in the selected areas. Additionally, you learn to apply methods of academic writing and research during the methods module, which consists of courses from the literary as well as the linguistics department and has to be completed by writing two short term papers. Moreover, the Intermediate Phase comprises two intermediate modules, one from the literary and one from the linguistic department. For the linguistic component, one compulsory lecture and one elective course.  Both intermediate modules have to be completed with an exam.

In the Advanced Phase,  students have the option to choose their personal academic focus or keep exploring all aspects of their major. Three advanced modules must be completed in total, two of them end with an exam. After the advanced modules, students are well-prepared to write their Bachelor's thesis.

To improve students career opportunities, the major subject English and American studies contains the career orientation module, in which students gain valuable insights into various occupational fields. The module can be completed during the second or third year.

Moreover, the students must participate in two modules from the language skills department during the second or third year (Language Skills 2 - Writing Skills & Oral Skills). Both modules are completed with an exam.


The minor subject English and American studies contains 54 credit points, 28 weekly hours per semester and lasts for six semesters.

During the first year, you will acquire fundamental knowledge in the fields of literary studies, linguistics and/or medieval studies by attending two out of three basic modules. Additionally, another module (Language Skills for Minors) will help you  improve your practical use of the English language.

The Intermediate Phase builds on your basic knowledge in the selected areas. You must have completed two intermediate modules by the time you finish your studies . For the linguistic component, one compulsory lecture and one elective course.  Both intermediate modules have to be completed with an exam.

Please note that you can only choose modules in the department in which you completed the basic modules.

In the Advanced Phase,  students have the option to choose their personal academic focus or keep exploring all aspects of their minor. Two advanced modules must be completed in total, one of them must finish with an exam. 

Please note that you can only participate in courses of the departments in which you completed the basic module and intermediate module first.

Prerequisites for Enrollment

English and American Studies is a subject with unrestricted admission in both for minor and major students. More information on the admission conditions can be found here.

For new B.A. students, the beginning of the courses is the given winter semester.