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Basic Module III - Literary Studies

Introduction to English and American Literary Studies

The Basic Module III - Literary Studies is finished with a 90 minute long exam on a computer. Further information will be published as it becomes available. 

Date: 18.09.2024

Location: ZIM (25.41)

Time: 13:00

Please arrive in front of the building 30 minutes before the exam starts. Admission begins 15 minutes before the exam start time. You will be called by name and assigned to the rooms.
Please have the following to hand: ID card, student ID, your university ID with password, a pen, possibly a small bottle of still water.

All further information will be announced 6 days before the exam!

We wish you every success in your examination.



You will recieve more specific information about the time and place of the exam at least six days before the date of the exam on the Studierendenportal. Please keep the changed exam rules and regulations in mind.

Students in the 2004 exam regulations should contact the Student's Office about their registration for the exam. The registration for these students end one week before the date of the exam!

Information and forms concerning withdrawl and conduct in case of illness can befound on the websites of the students and exam admistration.


Last updated:  July 2024


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roger Lüdeke

Research Assistant
Dr. Georg Schiller
Building: 23.21
Floor/room: 02.81
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Senior Lecturer
PD Dr. Philipp Erchinger
Building: 23.21
Floor/room: 02.51
+49 211 81-13275
+49 211 81-11443
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