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Writing Skills

Writing Skills Modul

Dieses Modul schließt mit einer Klausur in Form eines Essays (450–550 Wörter) ab.


Die Anmeldung zur Prüfung erfolgt über das Studierendenportal und ist ab vier Wochen vor dem Prüfungstermin möglichDie Anmeldefrist und Rücktrittsfrist endet eine Woche vorher.

Über die genauen Angaben zu Ablauf und Uhrzeit werden Sie aus organisatorischen Gründen frühestens sechs Tage vor dem Prüfungstermin im Studierendenportal informiert.

AP Termin

Wintersemester 2024_25:

Datum: Mittwoch, 05.02.25

Uhrzeit: 10:15 Uhr

Raum: |, PC-Pools der Philosophischen Fakultät

Finden Sie sich bitte 30 Minuten vor der Prüfung im Foyer des Hörsaals 3H ein. Dort werden Sie namentlich aufgerufen und abgeholt.

Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Erfolg bei den Prüfungen.


Exam Format


For the Writing Skills AP, students have the choice to respond to one  of three questions based on three topics. These essay topics will be posted on this web page one week before the exam date each semester. In the exam, students must read the given questions carefully and make sure to tailor essays to the question. Obviously prewritten or memorized scripts will be penalized.

Research and source matrix

Students may research the topics before the exam and bring in notes on their sources in the form of a filled-in source matrix, which can be downloaded below.

Please be aware of the following requiments for using the source matrix:

  • Include your name and matric number in the spaces above on each page.
  • You may make up to maximum 30 entries, as per the format of the table, and must write in font size 11 or above – no smaller.
  • Your supporting detail must not be longer than 40 words in length.
  • You can bring the source matrix into the exam, but must do so in printed format, and hand in all three pages (including any that are unfilled).
  • The material you include in this matrix is intended as source-based supporting detail. It is not a place to include pre-written substantial chunks of prose/arguments that are copied directly into your final essay. Doing so may result in penalisation.